Should pornography be allowed to remain in Las Cruces Schools?

juan garcia and sarah smith before the Las Cruces School Board advocating for the removal of pornographic and explicit books that are illegal for children in new mexico

By Sarah Smith Nov 8, 2023 On October 12, Las Cruces Public Schools (LCPS) held a formal hearing about the book Jack of Hearts and Other Parts. Back in August, Juan Garcia and I filed a formal complaint against this book because of its sexually explicit content.  The book is about a 17-year-old sex columnist and includes numerous passages that are … Read More

DEA agent on Fentanyl Awareness Day: ‘We seized more pills than the number of residents in the state of New Mexico’

By Sam Jackson Feb 28, 2023 Local leaders, state representatives and families gathered at the state capitol in Albuquerque recently to share their stories in observance of Fentanyl Awareness Day. “We seized more pills than the number of residents in the state of New Mexico,” Carlos Briano of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Division in El Paso, Texas, said. Briano’s division … Read More

Why are NM officials pushing for vaccinations in children?

Sarah Smith for the Las Cruces Sun News School districts all over the state are pushing students 12 years old and up to be vaccinated. Incentives are being offered to kids for being vaccinated. For instance, Albuquerque Public Schools recently said that they are planning events targeted at 16- and 17-year olds stressing that “the students need to sign up for the vaccine.” … Read More