Call to Action Forms

Want to make your voice heard? Click on a red button to act now!

More Calls to Actions will be available during the 2024 Election & during the NM Legislative Session in January 2025.

Let your voice be heard at various town hall meetings!
The governor has scheduled public safety town halls in ABQ and Las Cruces to hear from you! We encourage you to attend and let your voice be heard.

More info about the town halls HERE!

Tell your legislator to keep NM safe!
The Open Border and Catch & Release issues must be addressed in the Special Session. Ask legislators to promote safe & secure policies!

Easily contact your legislator HERE!

Help stop government overreach!
The Air Quality Bureau wants to expand their department via a 500% fee increase!
Ask your legislator to stop this expansion.

Easily contact your legislator HERE!

Need info on the General Election?
View important voter information including dates, helpful links, and voter education.

Click here for election information

Get BTNM's emails & take action!
If you want to get emails about relevant issues in NM?

Complete this survey so we can keep you informed!

Click here to take a the BTNM Survey

Join the 'Not My Kid' campaign!
This' a statewide petition effort to ask legislators to repeal bad laws that are currently in effect and negatively impacting our state.

Click here to learn about this effort!

Want to help improve our state?

Consider $upporting Better Together New Mexico-
a statewide grassroots alliance promoting free enterprise & traditional American values.

Click HERE to save New Mexico!