By Jean Bernstein

Nov 21, 2023      I have been asked by a number of people to share my observations about the 2023 Council race. I’ve always made a point of staying out of partisan politics but in recent years I have become very worried about the future of our Albuquerque. It is clear our local leaders are no longer elected by the … Read More

Corporate Welfare

    By Ramona Goolsby Nov 17, 2023 I have been attending the Bernalillo County Commission meeting for well over a year now and things seem to be moving in the wrong direction. The Bernalillo County Commission and the City of Albuquerque are precariously sitting on a financial slope that the people may have a hard time recovering from.  The financial slope I … Read More

Women Taking Back Our Neighborhoods founder: ‘I see crime getting worse’

By Paige Wagenknecht Oct 30, 2023 Colleen Aycock, founder of Women Taking Back Our Neighborhoods (WTBON ), said the group’s number one goal is to eliminate crime.  The citizen activist group was founded in 2018 in Albuquerque South East Heights to inform the public and demand greater accountability from elected and other civic leaders for preventing crime on Central Ave., in … Read More

Unhoused encampment returns to Central Avenue business: ‘Because the mayor is not enforcing public nuisance laws, they are free to break them’

vagrants camping out on central with no consequences

By Paige Wagenknecht Oct 30, 2023 Businesses along Albuquerque’s Central Avenue are experiencing a constant influx of unhoused citizens despite intervention from the city and law enforcement.  Community activist Colleen Aycock said she was surprised to see five encampments with 10 to 15 people each behind Church’s Texas Chicken (10230 Central Ave. SE) after the city and Albuquerque Police Department had … Read More