By Jean Bernstein

Nov 21, 2023      I have been asked by a number of people to share my observations about the 2023 Council race. I’ve always made a point of staying out of partisan politics but in recent years I have become very worried about the future of our Albuquerque. It is clear our local leaders are no longer elected by the … Read More

New Mexico Republicans oppose new vehicle rules: ‘This proposed rule will place an undue financial burden on rural communities across the state’

By New Mexico Sun Nov 3, 2023 The New Mexico House of Representatives Republican Caucus recently issued a statement opposing the Environmental Improvement Board’s plan to limit vehicle purchases in the state, contending that the board is ignoring the wishes of many New Mexicans. “House Republicans believe this excessive and unnecessary proposed rule is politically motivated and pandering to the eco-dreams … Read More

What’s next for the American economy?

By Greg Zanetti May 17, 2023 America’s economic transition from a focus on industry to service to design and finally to finance has progressively distanced our economy from tangible reality. The quote by Charles Wilson, “What’s good for GM is good for America,” might sound arrogant today, but it held some truth in 1953. America’s strength was its industrial might, creating … Read More

‘This new tax could be the last nail in the coffin’: Paid Family and Medical Leave Act to cost taxpayers $400M if it becomes law

By New Mexico Sun Report Mar 1, 2023 A proposal to mandate paid leave for workers, which New Mexico business owners said could hurt their businesses, could pass the Senate March 1.  A task force assigned to develop a plan that requires workers to receive paid family and medical leave (PFML) presented a proposal to New Mexico lawmakers last year that … Read More

Food Bank: Costs on the Rise

Woman walking down a bulk grocery aisle for roadrunner foodbank

By New Mexico Sun Report Dec 23, 2022 Rising inflation and threats of an impending recession have had a trickle-down impact on food banks experiencing shortages of donations during the holiday season. Roadrunner Food Bank director of communications, Sonya Warwick, said rising food budgets have been difficult on everyone. “Just like people that we serve who are in our food lines … Read More