Last Saturday morning, the terrorist organization Hamas invaded Israel and kidnapped, murdered, and wounded thousands of Israelis along with other civilians, including Americans.
As of this writing, over 1,300 Israeli civilians have been brutally murdered, 150 have been kidnapped, and over 5,000 rockets have been fired into Israel. Thousands more are wounded and grieving.
Twenty-two Americans have been killed and others kidnapped.
Not only that, but many anti-Israel and anti-Semitic protests have broken out across the United States, calling for the death of the Jews.
God is clear about standing with Israel: “And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
As Americans, we stand strongly in support of Israel and the Jewish people. We condemn the brutal and violent actions of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic Jihad, and Iran.
We stand in support of our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel. We must not, and will not, be silent in the face of evil.
We ask you to also speak out where you can and speak the truth about the war against Israel and the Jewish people.
“Never Again” is today.