Ask NM Legislators to address the out-of-control crime and the shortage of doctors and medical professionals!
There is still time, but Legislators must prioritize fulfilling their duty to improve New Mexico.
Ask Legislators Oppose this Bill Restricting YOUR Freedoms!
Many progressive legislators are trying to make it easier to take away your Second Amendment Rights.
We don't need another tax on hard-working New Mexicans!
This bill would require utility providers to have lower gas or electric rates for low-income residential customers.
Thank Senators who voted Against a Tax Increase on employees/empoyers!
8 Senators voted NO on HB 11, PFMLA. Let them know that we appreciate them listening New Mexicans!
We don't need State operated Banks!
This bill allows Legislators & the Governor to help oversee a state-managed bank, funded by $50 million in taxpayer dollars.
Stop the Backdoor Attempt to Sue Gun Manufacturers and Retailers!
This bill targets the firearms industry through harsher penalties and higher damage limits than other industries!
NM Kids & Parents Deserve the Truth About Life-Altering Procedures!
Make sure that minors and parents get the facts that these procedures come with serious long-term risks.
Protect Women’s Rights to Participate in Competitive Sports!
This bill ensures women and girls can compete in sports fairly without facing male competitors.
Protect Children from Indoctrination with Gender Ideology!
It is inappropriate and dangerous for schools to teach middle schoolers about gender ideology and abortion!
Raising the Minimum Wage Would Raise Inflation for All of Us!
When businesses are forced to pay more in wages, they have to charge more for goods and services.
NM doesn't need another attempt to Take Away Our Guns!
This bill bans the sale of some new semiautomatic rifles, handguns, and magazines, holding 10+ rounds.
Your Identity and Vote Deserves to be Protected in Our State!
This bill requires voter ID when voting. It helps both election workers and voters, by verifying correct info.
NM doesn't need a 'Green' Constitutional Amendment!
HJR 3, linked to SJR 4, would let anyone sue the government over vague environmental claims.
NM doesn't need our own version of the 'Green New Deal'!
SJR 4, linked to HJR 3, would let anyone sue the government over vague environmental claims.
Ask Your NM Senators to Return Election Transparency!
This bill attempts to obscure and control almost all aspects of our elections at the highest level.
Help Reject Terrible 'Rent Control' Policies in NM!
If these policies are brought to NM, it could block new affordable housing development and other rent options.
Help us Ensure that Taxpayer Dollars Work for US!
This bill creates an independent office to audit state agencies, cut waste, and improve local gov. efficiency.
Are you looking for more to take action during this session?
Save this page and check back often for more ways to help improve our beautiful state!
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Consider $upporting Better Together New Mexico-
a statewide grassroots alliance promoting free enterprise & traditional American values.