NM Pastors' Prayer Initiative

Leaving the Public Schools?

We're here to help!

Sarah Smith's : Includes legal info for pulling kids out of school, curriculum options and other resources.

Homeschool FB Groups

Here are some of the homeschool groups I know of for NM:

There are many more homeschool groups and co-ops all across the state.

Homeschooling 101 Videos

Homeschooling Articles on My Blog

(I also have free year-by-year curriculum plans, resources for specific subjects, and history-and-science homeschool unit studies on my website.)

Thomas Jefferson Education

(TJED, also known as Leadership Education)

TJED is an overall homeschooling philosophy that gets kids (and parents) off the mass education "conveyor belt".  Instead of focusing on textbooks, grade levels, worksheets, and busy-work, TJED focuses on giving kids exposure to greatness, teaching kids *how* to think instead of *what* to think, and giving kids "an education to match their mission."

(AND, one of the main principles of the founders of TJED is preparing youth to be leaders and maintain freedoms specifically. Oliver DeMille, co-author of the TJED books, also teaches Blackbelt in Freedom Courses, has written extensively about the constitution and challenges to maintaining freedom, and hosts Freedom Conventions in order to help adults learn how to be more effective at maintaining freedoms and constitutional principles during this time of great upheaval.)

School Alternatives Coming soon!

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