One of the most important things you can do for homeschool families is to validate their choice in homeschooling their children. That could mean acknowledging their hard work from the pulpit, encouraging them in person, or writing it into your weekly newsletter.
A little support from you can go a long way.
If you want to help them in more tangible ways, here are a few things you may have available to offer these courageous parents, guardians, or grandparents. Take stock of what resources are unused during the week and consider ways your church could offer something to homeschool families.
Church Library: Offer a weekly/monthly reading hour hosted by senior adults who would love to read to these kids. You could also allow them to create a new section for homeschool curriculum checked out by semester.
Playground: Schedule playtimes throughout the week or month to allow homeschooling families a safe place to play outside of their own backyard.
Classroom Space: Think about supplying a space for homeschool gatherings where parents can plan, groups can meet to organize a co-op, or even several classrooms where you would allow the co-op to meet at scheduled times.
Staff Member: If you have someone whose heart is calling them to serve these families, allow them to expand the ministry into something more coop into something more routine to help parents navigate homeschooling together for a while.
Remember: You are a blessing to the people of God and to New Mexico! Next week - the bare necessities of setting up a Co-op Academy!