Better Together New Mexico

We unite, activate, and empower all those who want to drive New Mexico
to reach its full potential.

Are you frustrated with what’s going on in New Mexico and want to see positive change?

At Better Together New Mexico, our mission is to enrich the lives of all New Mexicans.

We do this through promoting public policies based on the principles of less government, individual freedom, free enterprise, and traditional American values. We do not work on behalf of any special interest or political party; our commitment is to the people of New Mexico.

We accomplish change by:

Promoting Innovative Solutions

We know what New Mexicans want for their families and the state, because we stay in touch. We ask. And we listen. It’s New Mexicans – not politicians – who provide solutions.

Engaging in Policy Making

Our Better Together leaders have many years’ experience in policy making. New Mexicans provide the solutions. We provide the means to make it happen.

Providing Tools to Take Action

You can be heard on important issues using state-of-the-art tools. We make it easy; you make it happen.

We Want to Hear From You

Knowing what issues are important to you help us shape policy and action items. That is why you are invited to participate in a short survey to identify your interests, as well as what actions you are willing to take. Together, we can make a difference in New Mexico.
(*NOTE: Your information will be kept strictly confidential. It will not be used to sell you anything nor will it be shared with other parties or organizations.*)

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BTNM Leaders

Private BTNM Leaders portal.

Leaders Portal